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The severity of stomach ulcers affects a horse's behaviour and heart rate


A blog over Horse nutrition and probiotics - © Horse Remedy

The severity of stomach ulcers affects a horse's behaviour and heart rate

Frédérique Cauffmann

According to researchers, the severity of gastric ulcers in horses goes beyond the physical. In fact, horses with more severe ulcers show notable behavioural changes such as agitation and reduced appetite. In addition, their heart rate increased significantly, indicating a higher level of stress.

This finding suggests that gastric ulcers are not just a physical health issue, but also have an emotional impact on horses. For horse owners and enthusiasts, understanding these behavioural aspects can be crucial to the overall health and well-being of our equine friends. 🐴✨ #EquineHealth #AnimalWellbeing #VeterinaryResearch #Horseremedy #gastroguts

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