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Stable Care

Probiotic-based foot sanitizer - Stable Care - © Horse Remedy

Stable Care is a powder solution that helps combat skin problems caused by moisture and perspiration. Its ecological formula based on active micro-organisms provides an in-depth cleansing action and optimises the hair of the frog’s microbial balance. It also naturally strengthens damaged skin against external influences and reduces the risk of bacterial infections.

Instructions : On the skin: Sprinkle the product onto the area to be treated. Massage the product into the skin. On the frog: Mix the desired amount of powder with a few drops of water until a paste is formed. Apply to the frog. Repeat the treatment daily until the area is healed completely.

Ingredients : Complex of freeze-dried lactic acid bacteria and bacillus subtilis, Nutrient carrier (biological starter), Super absorbent carrier (vegetable and mineral).

Recommandations : Do not use in combination with other products. Do not inhale. Avoid contact with eyes. Store in a dry place out of reach of young children.
Close the bag after using.

Packaging : 1 kilo