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Gastroguts - probiotics with clay for ulcers - © Horse Remedy



GastroGuts is a product based on bentonite clay flavored with fermentation extracts.

The addition of mint improves the palatability of the clay.


Soothes and protects the intestinal wall

Supports digestion

Improves and maintains the balance of the intestinal flora

 Helps in case of flatulence and bloating

 Better assimilation of nutrients

Helps the horse’s mental balance

This product, developed according to many scientific studies, produced in the laboratory in Belgium, offers many benefits for the health of your horse.


Through scientific research and manufacturing in the laboratory, we are putting the oldest "technology" - microorganisms - back in the spotlight!


The Stable Guts range has been developed around microorganisms to improve the general health of equines.

Dosage :

Horse : 50 grams / day

Pony : 25 grams / day

Ingredients :
Charcoal, yeasts, lithothamne, peppermint

Binder, anti-caking agent : 1m558i Calcium bentonite: 750 000 mg

Digestability enhancer : 4b1702 Saccharomyces cerevisiae NCYC Sc 47 25*10^10 UFC


Ask your veterinarian for advice before taking dietary supplements. Do not exceed the recommended doses.