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Proteoguts - Protein and probiotics for your horse - © Horse Remedy


Proteoguts is a protein-rich product with proteins from pea, fenugreek and an exclusive blend of probiotics.


Proteoguts is a protein-rich product with proteins from pea, fenugreek and an exclusive blend of probiotics. The addition of probiotics increases the number of free amino acids and a balanced intestinal flora will allow a better assimilation.

This synergy is particularly interesting for horses that have difficulty gaining muscle mass and for older horses. Indeed, proteins remain the cement of the body and therefore the basis of muscles.

Finally, horses suffering from "obesity" or sugar intolerance are often put on a diet, which most often implies a protein deficiency. Proteins ensure the growth and repair of tissues, catalyze chemical reactions, regulate metabolic processes and transport lipids, vitamins and minerals. A protein intake will help maintain a "normal" metabolism despite a diet.


Through scientific research and laboratory manufacturing, we are bringing back the oldest "technology", micro-organisms!


The Stable Guts range has been developed around micro-organisms to improve the general health of horses.

Dosage :

Horse : 40 grams / day

Pony : 20 grams / day

Ingredients :
Pea protein isolate, fenugreek, peppermint

Digestibility enhancer: 4b1702 Saccharomyces cerevisiae NCYC Sc 47 25*10^10 CFU

Contre-indications :
Ask your vet for advice before taking any food supplements. Do not exceed recommended doses. Close tightly after use. Store away from light and major temperature changes.