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Self & Guts

Increase your horse's confidence with the Self & Guts - Rhodiola and probiotics - © Horse Remedy

Self & Guts

Self & Guts helps to profoundly improve self-confidence and responses to passing stress.


Self & Guts is a product based on Rhodiola and an exclusive blend of probiotics.

Rhodiola is an adaptogenic plant. It was well known to the Vikings to give them strength, courage and tenacity in case of war.

Rhodiola, powerful anti-fatigue, improves nervous balance, increases mental and physical performance and acts in cases of temporary stress.

The magnesium lysinate acts on nervous tensions, cramps and nervousness. Lysinate is the most bioavailable form for your horse's organism.

The addition of probiotics supports digestion and maintains the balance of the intestinal flora.


Thanks to scientific research and laboratory manufacturing, we bring back to life the oldest "technology", microorganisms!


This product developed following numerous scientific studies, produced in France, offers many benefits for the health of your horse.


Horse: 20 grams/day

Pony: 10 grams/day

Ingrédients :
Magnesium Lysinate, Rhodiola, Clay, Peppermint

Digestibility enhancer: 4b1702 Saccharomyces cerevisiae NCYC Sc 47 25*10^10 UFC

Contre-indications :
Ask your veterinarian for advice before taking any dietary supplements. Do not exceed the recommended doses. Close tightly after use. Keep away from light and important temperature changes.