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Salt & Guts

Salt & Guts - lick stone based on Mediterranean salt and live yeasts - © Horse Remedy


Salt & Guts is the first salt stone based on Mediterranean salt and live yeasts.

No additives, no molasses, no synthetic vitamins.

Salt & Guts helps :

Stimulate watering

Compensates for the loss of electrolytes

Improve and maintain the balance of intestinal flora

Better assimilation of nutrients and vitamins

Effect on the quality of the hair and horn

Live yeast increases the digestibility of fibrous structure (raw fiber) in hay or straw

Live yeast increases the digestibility of fibrous structure (raw fiber) in hay or straw

The yeasts come from the French Levucell SC technology.

The Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain CNCM I-1077 was selected from among thousands of others for its ability to enhance the functions of the gut of horses.

Its effectiveness has been validated by studies conducted by Research Centers and is documented by more than 100 international scientific publications.

Salt is extracted from the Mediterranean Sea and no additives, molasses or synthetic vitamins have been added.

Conditioning: 3 kilo

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